Sunday 21 January 2007

7 months down!

Well, while December seemed to drag on forever, in the lead up to the six month mark; January and the lead up to 'seven months' fairly seemed to whiz by. I mean it only seems like yesterday since I last posted but when I checked it has been a week (mind you during the week, at work, things seemed to drag but then that is the strange thing about work).

So seven months it is, today!

Oh and the perennial question - how much longer? I'm hoping we are more than a quarter of the way through (anything longer than that I refuse to think about), wishfully thinking that we are more than a third of the way through, but pretty much resigned that we aren't half way through.

To think when we adopted our first daughter that at this 'point' (7 months) we would have been half-way through - and at that time I was a complete nervous wreck, thinking how we would ever survive the stress to the end. Not to mention falling to pieces when the 'rumours' at that time suggested the wait might go to 18 months (which it never did). Oh, the luxury - 18 months! - this time round I'd happily take 18 months, if you could promise it is a certainty!

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