Thursday, 21 December 2006

Six months down...

Well today marks our 6 month anniversary since log in. The $64million question is are we 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 through? Only time will tell.

Looking back this last month has seemed to take an age to get through but in other aspects it hasn't - it is not like I have had heaps of downtime to mull over the wait, I've been really busy. Maybe it is the looming holiday season.


Lisa and Shane said...

Congrats again Lisa. Have a great Christmas - let's catch up in the New Year (when we're both closer to 7 months!)


Magnolia's Friend said...

Thanks Lisa - see you in the New Year. Happy a happy and safe Christmas.

LedaP said...

Good luck with your 2nd adoption!

Magnolia's Friend said...

Thanks Leda - your kind thoughts are much appreciated

JMCS said...

Happy 6 month LIDiversary!
