Thursday, 23 November 2006

Christmas is a time for about giving a gift that makes a difference

I think that as you get older you realise that the person that dies with the most 'stuff', doesn't necessarily win. Rather it is probably the person that makes the most difference for the better.

Having travelled to China and visited our daughter's orphanage and also visited rural areas and seeing the poverty, it is easy to become overwhelmed and almost 'paralysed' - there is so much to do, where to start. With small steps - even the smallest amount in monetary terms in the West and have a life long impact in China.

As Christmas approaches again I begin to realise there is not much I really 'need' or even for that matter want (other than what money can't buy and which can only be given by the CCAA). Maybe you feel the same.

For many, Christmas has become a time of commercialism run rampant. We can choose instead a gift that will make a difference. Many of the children in China’s orphanages need the basics of life and a few things to make their lives a little brighter.

If you live in Australia you might like to consider making a donation to the FCC-Australia/Amity Christmas appeal.

Families with Children from China Australia Inc (FCC-Australia) is the only Australian parent group that acts solely for families who have adopted, or who are in the process of adopting children of Chinese ethnicity. FCC-Australia is run entirely on a voluntary basis. One of FCC-Australia’s major goals is to advocate for and support children remaining in orphanages in China. In the last 2 years FCC-Australia has sent almost A$30 000 to Amity from fundraising and member donations.

Through this program you can give your family a 'gift' and child in an orphanage an even bigger gift of:
  • an education;
  • life-changing surgery
  • books
  • someone to hug or
  • mobility via a wheelchair

FCC-Australia has been working with the Amity Foundation to provide some of these requirements. There is so much that needs to be done. Below are some suggestions from Amity.

  • Hugging Grandmas A$750.00 per annum- These women provide the love and care that orphanage staff do not always have the resources to provide.
  • Foster Care A$55.00 per month -In home family care
  • Schooling A$355 per annum - Children being cared for by foster families are not guaranteed an education. Extra funds are required to provide this.
  • Medical Needs (ie incubators, sterilising equipment, microscopes, medicines, vitamins,
    rehab equipment) for example a wheel chair costs A$200.00

All donations by Australians are tax deductible via the National Council of Churches in Australia. If you'd like to make a gift donation FCC-Australia will send you a card with details of the supported project.

For further information about any of the projects, please contact
Jan Williamson
GPO Box 12
Tasmania 7001

Further information about Amity can be found at

Further information about FCC-Australia can be found at

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